Sunday, February 24, 2008


I come from a long line of procrastinators, my father is a procrastinator, my grandfather is a procrastinator. I was raised to procrastinate.

Yes, that's a not-so-funny version of George's "I was raised to quit." from Seinfeld.

Anyways, I waste a lot of time. I'm talking of hours and hours on weekends.

I have school starting tomorrow after a 9 day break. What did I achieve in those 9 days? Nothing.

So I'm devising a plan to make my living hours more efficient. Military efficient. Most of my time is wasted on the computer. Generally speaking, the stuff I have to do is related to the computer in one form or another, but I dilly-daddle (I despise this phrase) way too much.

I'm setting a 1 hour-a-day limit on the computer for myself. This should be enough to check my emails, read a couple of blogs, IM some friends and maybe even watch an episode of The Office!

Besides this, setting a schedule should really help me get back in control of my life. I'll be watching myself closely for the next week. Sometimes, all you need to regain control is to put it in writing.

Here's to going against my upbringing. Cheers!

1 comment:

Zakintosh said...

As Jennifer Yane said: The only thing that has to be finished by next Tuesday is next Monday.