Saturday, March 1, 2008

Let them be.

I'm a supporter of letting other people do whatever the hell they want.

I'm sure we all know of the extreme case of the Danish cartoons depicting Muhammad. (Mmmm... did somebody say Danish Butter Cookies?) Anyways, even some intelligent people I know believe that those cartoonists should have been punished.

Maybe they should. But I've got more realistic ways in which I want to change the world. And those ways doesn't include wasting my time boycotting excellent Danish cheese in the defense of (dare I say it?) a 1500 year-old man.

I'm sure a lot people have said this, but I remember my dad talking about picking your fights. Don't get stuck fighting battles which won't change the scheme of things. Each person has his own views on what the 'scheme of things' actually is.

I'm not going to tell an 8 year-old on the street to go take a dump somewhere else besides the middle of the road (it has happened). I'll just move away and try not to look. It's times like those when I 'zoom out' and look at the big picture. I could go to everyone in the world and teach them about being respectful to other human beings. Or I could fight to educate the masses of Pakistan. That, for me, is the scheme of things. And that's one of the things I'll be fighting for.

Who knows? Next time some 8 year-old decides to drop a bomb in the middle of the road, somebody may come up with a plan for universal plumbing.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, keep up the work.

Anonymous said...

yeah, update it.